I was privileged to be invited to work with Luke Cresswell & Steve McNicholas, the founders and creative team from Yes/No productions to develop instruments for the orchestral version of their worldwide Percussion Smash STOMP
You can read my blog post on bingbangbong outlining some of my experiences but the videos are worth a million words.
Some of the instruments I designed are variations on existing themes, others are completely new, all are be designed to be played by multiple players as part of a set. The design process meant me going to Brighton every 2 weeks for many months then coming home to develop the designs then back to build.
The show holds the Box Office Record at the Sydney Opera House
There are many more Lost & Found orchestra videos on Youtube
[youtube -bEdhJAAgIc 300 200] [youtube ptFiWk3t2og 300 200] [youtube A7cdH-TkIYE 300 200]
Here’s the official video of story – I am tuning huge oak Marimba keys 🙂
[youtube GYQeBTEly4Y 900 580]